Monday, December 6, 2010

What can high heels cause...

High heels are ladies best friend... well after diamonds of course... lol... Well, when wearing high heels too much, it can cause pretty bad stuff to your body (ladies). Well... It can cause bad posture, bunions, probably some leg problem as well... so try not to wear high heels too much.

Well... not saying don't... just try not to only. Well, I saw a girl yesterday, she was walking with her boyfriend in Mc'D's up a flight of stairs. Well She was wearing a pretty high 'high heels'. She came in walking alright but when she left or rather came down the steps, her boyfriend had to support her for i think she hurt herself when she was upstairs... I can't say or tell what happened, but i think she hurt her ankle, probably sprained it. Any hows... for ladies who are wearing heels out, please do be careful where you step, if not you'll end up injuring yourself.

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